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City Council Minutes 05/17/2007
Auburn City Council
Meeting #21
May 17, 2007

Work Session Meeting – Budget discussion

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, present.

Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Bill Lupien, Engineering Superintendent, Lisa Green Comptroller, Mike Long CIP Manager, John Rossi, Corporation Counsel, Mike Talbot, Landfill Supervisor, Jerry DelFavero, Public Works Director, Gary Giannotta, Police Chief, Mike Hammon, Fire Chief, Maria DelloStritto, RSVP Director.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Public Announcements – Mayor Lattimore congratulated Jane Westlake, Secretary to the City Manager for receiving an award from the Girls Scouts earlier in the day.  

The City Clerk read Communications.

Ordinances – None

Work Session

Clean Renewable Energy Bond (CREBS) application
Mike Long, CIP Manager, introduced William Cetti, ECO Technology Solutions.  Mr. Cetti discussed the Clean Renewable Energy Bond (CREBS) application and the need for approval by Council resolution to move forward.  Council will vote on this at next weeks meeting.  He used a power point presentation and distributed a handout.  


Police Department - The City Manager, Police Chief and Council discussed the Police Departments proposed budget.  Reducing overtime was also discussed.

Fire Department – The City Manager, Fire Chief and Council discussed the Fire Department budget.  The City Manager commented on looking into regionalization of Fire service to reduce costs and meet the challenge that Governor Spitzer has proposed to local governments.  Council discussed.

The City Manager, Public Works Superintendent and Council discussed the Public Works budget.  Several items were discussed such as snow removal, alternate side parking, and  restoring the RSVP part time position back to the budget.

Mr. Palesh left the meeting at 7:45PM.  Lisa Green, Comptroller sat in his place.

Council had more discussion on the budget.  Councilor Smith commented that the Director of Public Utilities position that is in the proposed budget is unnecessary.  He stated an engineer is more necessary.

Council discussed the need for a human resource position.

Other Business
Councilor Dempsey asked Corporation Counsel John Rossi to report on the progress of the Sales Tax agreement with the County.  Mr. Rossi said there was nothing new to report.   Council discussed this with Ms. Green.  It was agreed that Corporation Counsel would contact the county to see what holding up the agreement.

Councilor McNabb reported that he attended an event that Senator Clinton was at.

Councilor Dempsey asked if Andy Fusco could report to Council on the progress of hiring the watershed inspector.

Council adjourned at 8:15PM.